Core Business
TNB Fuel Services Sdn. Bhd. (TNBF), as a subsidiary of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia's largest electricity utility company, primarily focuses on the distribution and supply of fuel-related products and services. Scroll down to know more about our core business.

TNBF supplies and delivers coal required by coal-fired power plants in Malaysia having PPA with TNB where coal cost is a pass through component. Coal is the main fuel procured by TNBF for delivery to those power plants, which amounts to 12,200 MW. TNBF has also entered into Coal Supply and Transportation Agreements (CSTA) for sale and purchase of coal on delivered basis to these power plants.
TNBF enters into Contracts of Affreightment (COA) and Long-Term Consecutive Voyage Charter (CVC) with shipping companies for shipping of these coals to the power plants. TNBF is also responsible for the logistic management including cargo insurance and payments.
distillate fuel & medium fuel oil
TNBF is the principal supplier of Distillate Fuel (DF) and Medium Fuel Oil (MFO) to the coal-fired power plants mainly for its start-up purposes, and to other divisions in TNB to facilitate the use of mobile generator sets and rural stations/ major islands operations.
TNBF entry into the LNG market is in line with the increasing global demand for cleaner energy solutions and the mitigation of climate change. TNBF strategically positions itself as a progressive player in the energy industry by adopting LNG, thereby leveraging the ongoing shift towards more environmentally friendly alternatives.
new fuel biomass, ammonia, hydrogen
The significant contribution of TNBF to the advancement of a sustainable and diversified energy sector is underscored by its participation in diversifying new fuels. TNBF exhibits its dedication to fostering innovation and addressing the complex issues at hand through its active support and promotion of cleaner energy sources.